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16 July, 2018

This Can Be Your First Step In Going Zero Waste

Is your company planning to go zero waste? You can take baby steps in doing this with our Eco-Friendly Bottles!

First, let us define what going zero waste means. Zero waste has been a trend this 21st Century because people are starting to realise that we are producing tons of waste each year, and no one would want to see the earth as a big dump site. More than a trend, it has become a campaign to save the world.

Here at, we offer a wide range of choices of reusable eco-friendly bottles which you can use in your campaign for zero waste or simply taking responsibility to save the Earth.

How many times per day do you buy disposable bottled water? Whenever you take your break, during lunchtime, when you take a walk, or whenever you feel like buying it, ‘just in case’ you’ll need it. Imagine the waste we produce whenever we purchase disposable bottled water, and the money we waste to produce trash. It is very alarming. With our eco-friendly bottles, you can hit two birds with one stone; saving the Earth and even your pockets!

Our bottles are also customisable which means we can print your company logo on them, and if you want to print a campaign hashtag like #SaveTheEarth, we can make it possible. What are you waiting for? Gift these eco-friendly bottles to your employees and customers, and altogether let's reduce, reuse, and recycle. ?

The Drink Bottles Team