water bottles at a seminar

28 October, 2022

Memorable Events to Promote Your Brand with Water Bottles

Water bottles are not just bottles you use to keep yourself hydrated throughout the day, although that’s the obvious primary purpose of them. They can be used as promotional products, too. With your brand's name or logo printed on the water bottle, people will associate your business with their daily beverage and be more likely to remember it when they require your services or products later. Let’s look at memorable events to promote your brand with water bottles.

1. Music Festival
Everyone loves a good music festival, whether you’re into hip-hop, rock, indie or classical music. Music festivals are opportunities for artists of all kinds to get out there and show off their talents in an entertaining atmosphere (and get paid for it, too).

Festivals are also a great opportunity for brands like yours to catch the attention of potential customers. If you’re looking for ways to stand out from other companies who want people’s attention at events like these, you should consider handing out water bottles as your giveaways. Many event-goers will remember your brand after they receive one of these promotional items.

2. Life Skills Workshops
While working in a customer service role, you can teach your customers how best to care for your product. Take advantage of that outdoor event. Not only will it create positive word-of-mouth marketing, but it will also make your customers more likely to buy from you again. 

3. Corporate Team Building Retreats
A corporate team-building retreat can be a great way to bond with coworkers while giving them useful skills to help make their jobs easier. Consider booking a white water rafting trip or paintball event to plan an exciting and memorable retreat.

These events offer great ways for individuals to work together towards a common goal while enhancing employees’ teamwork skills. By attending a company team-building retreat, coworkers will also feel more connected because they were able to experience something important together. The increased cohesiveness of your staff members will translate into smoother day-to-day operations that are more productive.

The bottom line is that attending a fun event like this is just another reason why promoting your brand with customised water bottles is always a good idea.

4. Community Fundraisers/Auctions
These events are a great place for your business, from street fairs and open-air markets to weekend art festivals. We’ve already talked about organising events as one of our favourite ways to promote our brand. Why? Because they put you directly in front of potential customers while you’re actively engaged in promoting your company.

Throw in branded water bottles as giveaways. And guess what? It doesn’t have to be a big event: A local craft fair or farmers market can be a great way to get your name out there.

5. Art Festivals
These are events that feature beautiful or interesting art. Participating in a festival with branded water bottles is an excellent way to get your brand in front of potential customers who will be browsing around while they enjoy a day out at an event. Most festivals will have water bottles available for purchase at booths throughout, making them ideal opportunities for your brand’s exposure.

The Drink Bottles Team