blue white black plastic water bottles

18 July, 2022

5 Tips for Choosing a Water Bottle for Brand Promotion

Choosing the right water bottle can be overwhelming – there are so many different options. How do you know which one is best for your brand?

To make your search easier, we’ve put together this list of five tips for choosing suitable water bottles. Follow these guidelines to help you decide on a water bottle that will fit your marketing goals and budget.

Drink Bottles
Drink Bottles

1. Consider the Material 
A water bottle is one of those products you might not give much thought to, but it can actually make a big difference in how your brand performs in the market.

However, besides giving water bottles away to your customers or those associated with your business, consider the material. You need to buy high-quality water bottles. But if you are starting with this marketing strategy, you may opt to buy any material.

There are three materials you may find worth checking: glass, plastic and stainless steel. Each material depends on how the user prefers to utilise the water bottle.

For example, for hot beverages (like tea or coffee), glass is usually best, as heat may transfer from other materials into whatever beverage you’re drinking. Stainless steel bottles are a popular option because they don’t absorb flavours and are more durable than plastic. 

2. Know Important Features 
When shopping for water bottles, many people choose what they like in terms of colour or shape. It may seem silly to focus on these factors when finding a receptacle that gives your brand attention. But an important feature of water bottles is the ability to keep air out.

If air can get into the bottle through any part of it, mould can grow in the water supply and potentially harm your customers' health. So make sure that whatever water bottle you choose has a secure lid that won’t pop open if dropped.

3. Look at Customer Reviews 
When shopping for water bottles, read what other customers have said about specific products. Pay special attention to reviews that compare one product to another, as many customers mention differences between products. For example, if one customer said their water bottle kept ice frozen longer than an alternative type, you’ll know which one will work best in your business situation.

4.  Pick a Good Cap Section 
It’s no secret that a well-made stainless steel water bottle will cost more than a cheap plastic one from your local store. However, investing in a quality metal water bottle is worth it because it is long-lasting, and your customers don't have to replace caps.

Many metal bottles are top-shelf dishwasher safe, and others are easily replaceable. However, once broken, the customers will dump the bottles with your brand. So, your brand marketing may not be as effective as you expect.

Investing in a high-quality water bottle isn’t easy, but when it comes to spending money on your marketing success, it’s something that you should consider.

5. Think About Style 
Consider what is trending. Everyone would feel happy to be associated with the current trend. You can offer your customers the opportunity with your business branded water bottles.

Water bottles have many benefits. With so many varieties in our promotional products, you can pick your favourite to match your brand.

The Drink Bottles Team