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11 July, 2012

Multi Lid Sport Bottle Are Cool

These aluminum multi lid sport bottles can help you keep things cool this summer, while at the same time, heating up your sales. With a sturdy aluminum construction, neoprene bottle cooler, custom printing or engraving and three lid styles these bottles are the perfect way to give your company logo a platform to be seen.

The best way to get people to recognize your company is to give people the opportunity to see your logo in various forms of media. These bottles come in three attractive colours such as blue, black, and silver, so you can choose whichever they matches your company logo the best. The bottles are of a high quality and are very cheap when compared to other bottles on the market. These bottles are great promotional gift ideas for fitness clubs or outdoor supply companies as a promotional product to offer to with purchase. Getting your company logo out where people can see it has great benefits for your company and this multi lid sport bottle could help you do that. Our multi lid sport bottle is the best value you will find anywhere in Australia.

The Drink Bottles Team