woman holding two bottles

30 September, 2022

Branded Water Bottles: Tips for Choosing the Right One for Your Brand

When choosing the right promotional drink bottle for your business, there are several factors to consider. One of the most important is the type of water bottle itself, which directly impacts how you can use it and who might be interested in purchasing it. To help you choose the right water bottle, we’ve put together this brief guide to branded water bottles and some tips on choosing the best one for your brand.  

Consider Your Audience 
It's essential to choose a bottle that matches your brand’s identity. For example, suppose you're trying to convey an image of elegance and exclusivity. In that case, you might want to avoid an inexpensive plastic water bottle in favour of a high-end stainless steel one. Likewise, if you're aiming for casual and accessible, a plastic water bottle with a logo may work better. If cost is no issue, consider choosing from multiple materials to experiment with different looks and styles; they may also serve other purposes — and be worth buying in bulk depending on how often they'll be used. 

Think About Price Points 
For a business that’s just starting out, it might be smart to invest in a simple, lower-cost product. As your brand grows, you can invest in pricier, higher-quality products. For example, if you’re launching a new sports drink company and want to create branded water bottles, you might first start with basic plastic or metal water bottles. Then once sales start rolling in, you can choose more premium glass or aluminium bottles.  

Choose Between Glass and Plastic 
Deciding whether to go with a glass or plastic water bottle depends on your aesthetic preferences. Glass water bottles tend to cost more, but if you plan on putting them properly before gifting clients, they can be less likely to break. Plastic is often lighter and less expensive, but it’s important to find one that won’t leach chemicals into the drinks. Both types of bottles are typically dishwasher safe. 

Check out Durability 
Durability is an important quality to consider when purchasing a water bottle, as it will be exposed to wear and tear daily. A well-constructed water bottle can be used for years, but one with low-quality materials or a low-quality design will fall apart much more quickly. It’s worth your time to invest in a sturdy and well-made product that is likely to survive everyday use, meaning you won’t have to gift the same clients anytime soon.  

Where Do You Plan to Use Them?  
Events can be a great way to get your branded product in front of as many potential customers as possible, but it can be difficult to know how much you’ll need. This is why it’s important to have an idea of where you’ll use your branded water bottles. If you plan on giving them away at events, make sure you have enough for all of those interested. Of course, if your products are primarily business-oriented, then having just enough products will likely suffice.

The Drink Bottles Team