colourful vacuum flasks

15 December, 2022

5 Reasons to Use a Vacuum Flask as Your Next Promotional Product

Vacuum flasks are the perfect choice for promotional products, with their sleek looks and solid designs. But that’s not the only reason to pick high-quality flasks as your next giveaway item. Here are five reasons you should choose vacuum flasks as your next promotional product.

1. They are useful gifts
A vacuum flask, or thermos, is useful for anyone. Whether it’s an insulated carafe for coffee on the go or a stainless steel water bottle for keeping hydrated during your day, these thermoses can be used by almost anyone and are often cherished keepsakes. Because of their popularity and general usefulness, most people will not consider tossing them away. They can act as great promotional products that recipients will repeatedly use while giving your brand exposure every time they do so. If you have cheap promotional items that likely end up being thrown out after using them once, try replacing them with more valuable gifts like vacuums flasks — they will not get tossed aside.

2. They are sought-after corporate gifts
Whether you want to give away bottles of coffee or soup, vacuum flasks are one of those items that nearly everyone would be happy to receive. It’s also a great item for restaurants and food companies since customers may take them home as free samples of your products. Every marketing dollar goes further: When it comes to promotional products, many people think about shirts, hats, and other inexpensive items. But plenty of high-end options go far beyond pens and mugs. With vacuum flasks being very popular in offices, they can make an excellent choice for businesses on a tight budget. They come in dozens of sizes: A wide range of portable travel cups makes choosing what kind is right for your business easy.

3. Their multi-use makes them handy to have around
How many times have you come across an empty cup or mug? Or worse, run out of a beverage on your way home from work? Why not take along one of your vacuum flasks instead? Rather than being limited to just hot drinks, vacuum flasks can also be used for cold beverages and even soups. Because they’re made of stainless steel, they can be put into direct contact with food without harmful chemicals seeping into them. Finding space in your bag won't be difficult with their sleek designs and compact shape.

4. They come in various sizes, colours, and designs
With so many sizes and colours available, you can find a vacuum flask that suits your brand or business. From large-capacity flasks for hot drinks to smaller lunchboxes for cold drinks, there’s something for everyone. Don’t forget about colour – do you want it printed with your logo in just one colour? Or would you prefer something more sophisticated, like full-colour printing? Whatever you decide, it’s easy and affordable.

5. They’re durable items with long shelf lives
Many promotional products (think t-shirts and caps) quickly wear out or don’t last very long. A durable item like a vacuum flask, however, lasts much longer and helps ensure you get more bang for your buck with each item. They help increase brand awareness.

The Drink Bottles Team